BSG Online Tutoring
BSG Online Tutoring
Gain insider knowledge on how to win BSG Online.
Dave Mar has been helping students win their BSG simulation for nearly 20 years. He keeps up-to-date on all the latest and greatest strategies to help his students earn the highest marks possible.
Stay competitive. Stay ahead.
One of the greatest regrets students have is not meeting with a professional tutor sooner. It is vital to stay ahead of your competitors on the BSG Game. Save time and stress before it's too late.
Save time, stress, and your grade.
You can save countless hours by expediting your learning curve with expert BSG tutoring. Learn what to focus on and what doesn't matter. Why spend 3-10+ hours on decisions when you can meet for 45 minutes and get a great grade?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How is the tutoring structured? Are the sessions personalized?
Sessions are generally 30 to 45 minutes. The shorter 30-minute sessions are a discussion-based review, whereas the longer 45-minute sessions include active decision-making. All sessions are personalized, and I will review all reports with you in real time.
How can tutoring help me improve my performance in BSG Online?
I can help you review past performance, understand mistakes, and direct future progression with a game plan of what to do best in your situation.
Are there any testimonials or reviews from past students?
Of course! You can find all of my reviews by clicking "My reviews" below.
How long does it typically take to see improvement after starting tutoring?
Ideally, a turnaround can be as quick as 1 to 2 years. However, on average, it may take about 3 years: a year to fix mistakes, a year to progress forward, and then a year to accelerate. It may take another year in challenging situations on top of the 3; however, something incredibly destructive must have occurred within the company’s history.
What is your experience and success rate with previous students?
I can help all students at any game stage see improvement, no matter their situation. Most clients see me in the early, mid, or late game. However, waiting until the final year, when you are incredibly bankrupt and hoping for a miracle, isn’t ideal. But I can at least see what is possible. Generally, seeing me earlier yields better and more lasting results.
What if we have a tight schedule? How flexible are the tutoring sessions?
I take what I do seriously and check my email often. However, there are better options than waiting an hour before the due date and emailing me. I generally have short notice sessions available, which involve texting my phone and emailing me for attention. Sometimes, people have scheduled a short-notice session so that I am alerted, and then they email me. I may be available earlier.
How do we get started with scheduling a session?
Glad to hear that you are intersted in improving your BSG Online score! Go ahead and click "Schedule now" to go to my schedule.